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Out of Character

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Character Creation
1 thread - 1 post
Face Claims
by Jayli
Apr 19, 2014 7:12:23 GMT
Face claims, house claims, who's who, screen name list, FaceBook lists
Want Ads
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General Board
1 thread - 1 post
SN List [Updated: 4.4.14]
by Admin
Apr 4, 2014 17:03:58 GMT
You can talk about anything here.

New York City, New York

Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Around Chicago
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You're out, you're about, and what are you doing? We don't know, but you do and you're doing it here, out and about the greater area of New York City.
Social Media
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Cells, calls, IMs, texts, tweets - there's always a way to keep up with other people and that's right here. Think of it as your universal portal to connectivity! [Texts, phonecalls, IMs, tweets, all that goes right on here.]
0 threads - 0 posts
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Do your deepest, darkest thoughts have no place to go? Do you have something burning inside you that just needs to get out to somewhere you won't be judged? Here is where your words find a home.

Chicago, Illinois

Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Around Chicago
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
You're out, you're about, and what are you doing? We don't know, but you do and you're doing it here, out and about the greater area of Chicago.
Social Media
0 threads - 0 posts
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Cells, calls, IMs, texts, tweets - there's always a way to keep up with other people and that's right here. Think of it as your universal portal to connectivity! [Texts, phonecalls, IMs, tweets, all that goes right on here.]
0 threads - 0 posts
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Do your deepest, darkest thoughts have no place to go? Do you have something burning inside you that just needs to get out to somewhere you won't be judged? Here is where your words find a home.

Boston, Massachusetts

Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Around Boston
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
You're out, you're about, and what are you doing? We don't know, but you do and you're doing it here, out and about the greater area of Boston.
Social Media
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
Cells, calls, IMs, texts, tweets - there's always a way to keep up with other people and that's right here. Think of it as your universal portal to connectivity! [Texts, phonecalls, IMs, tweets, all that goes right on here.]
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
Do your deepest, darkest thoughts have no place to go? Do you have something burning inside you that just needs to get out to somewhere you won't be judged? Here is where your words find a home.

Charlotte, North Carolina

Board Name & Info Description & Sub-Boards
Around Charlotte
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
You're out, you're about, and what are you doing? We don't know, but you do and you're doing it here, out and about the greater area of Charlotte.
Social Media
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
Cells, calls, IMs, texts, tweets - there's always a way to keep up with other people and that's right here. Think of it as your universal portal to connectivity! [Texts, phonecalls, IMs, tweets, all that goes right on here.]
0 threads - 0 posts
No posts have been made on this board.
Do your deepest, darkest thoughts have no place to go? Do you have something burning inside you that just needs to get out to somewhere you won't be judged? Here is where your words find a home.

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Threads and Posts
2 posts - 2 threads
Last post was in Face Claims by Jayli
(Apr 19, 2014 7:12:23 GMT)
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